Monday, October 15, 2007

Instant Replay

Good MONDAY morning. It's raining this morning. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down was the lyrics to an old song that I remember. I guess I really can't say the same. But I do know that continued cloudy days can bring me down. I love the sunny, blue sky and maybe just a few clouds kind of day.

Psalms 118:24 NASB This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

If this is Monday then it goes without saying that yesterday was Sunday. Sunday was good. I messed up a couple of times yesterday but other than that it went well. Since my duties put me in front of numbers of people messing up carries a little different weight. As I was thinking about my mistakes, I turned on TV to watch some football. I watched highlights of good plays and bad plays. They showed relays of one player who had the opportunity to intercept the ball five times in one game. That would have been a new NFL record. The problem was three times he had the ball in his hands and JUST DROPPED IT. Now they didn't show it just once but over and over again. Then they put all three dropped interceptions together and ran then over a couple of times so we could get the real sense of what it must have felt like to drop the ball three times like this poor guy did.

How would you like to be this football player. The announcer said, "He had the chance to set a new NFL record. No one has ever intercepted 5 passes in one game. A couple of players have intercepted four but never five. And this guy missed the chance." Now I started feeling pretty good about my mess ups since first of all we don't have instant reply of them. My mess ups didn't cause me to miss an opportunity to set a new record in anything. You won't see them on replayed on Monday or read about them in the paper or on the Internet. No, probably by today and I would think certainly by next Sunday most will not remember them. There will be a few but most won't. So what do I learn from this.

1. I learn, at least I am reminded, I am human and I make mistakes. I haven't gotten used to this but I would like to think I have learned to handle them better.

2. I learn that the only thing you really learn from some mistakes is how to handle failure. It is much more difficult to handle failure than success.

3. Most of the time my mess ups appear BIGGER in my mind than others.

4. Why do I feel the mess ups that I do in front of people are worst than the ones I do in private. The truth be told it's because other people see them and I get embarrassed - that boils own to pride.

5. I am glad I am not a NFL player. I don't have a camera that records my every mistake and plays it back for the world to watch.

1 John 1:9 GW God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we've done wrong.

We forget just how powerful this verses is. God forgives our mistakes, mess ups. He doesn't record them to play back later for us. In fact, when God forgives, He absolutely, totally, and completely forgets it. So if you confess your mistake [sin is what I am talking about] God forgives and forgets. So if you try to bring it up again, call for a replay, God doesn't even know what you are talking about. The tape has been erased. God has chosen to FORGET the mistake. In God's mind there are no instant replays after you ask for forgiveness.

Now then let me quote the first verse again. Psalms 118:24 NASB This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

OOH Yeah, end zone slam dunk time.

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