Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Every Path We Take

Proverbs 5:21 For the LORD sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.

Everyday I read a chapter out of the Books of Proverbs that corresponds to the actual date. On the 5th of the month I read the 5th chapter in Proverbs. I have done this for 15 years missing a few days here. Today I read Chapter 5 of Proverbs.

Today when I got to verse 21 it was like it was the first time I had ever read it. It exploded off the page. God sees clearly what a man does - examining very path he takes. When you think you think on one is watching\ and you can get away with it or that one noticed what you did, your wrong, God sees it. Usually, the first thought we have is that God sees all the wrong things I do.

  • Yelling at the driver in front who just cut you off in traffic.
  • Looking too long at a provocative picture.
  • Saying a nasty word because your guy didn't win the election.
  • Drinking a little to much.
  • Wishing something evil would happen to someone you - OH my - can I say it - HATE.
  • Surfing the internet instead of working.

The list could go on. There is a good side to this verse. God also sees every good thing you do.

  • Praying for someone that doesn't even know you are praying for them.
  • Giving money to someone anonymously.
  • Cleaning up after yourself so your spouse doesn't have too.
  • Going to work when you really don't feel like it.
  • Over looking the faults of another when they continually point out your faults.

Yeah, this list can go on too. God sees clearly everything we do. Today you need to know that God sees the good that you do even when on one else does. God makes a record of it. Isn't it interesting that God only records the good we do and with confession He erases forever the bad so as to never bring it up again.

Today don't get weary going the good. Remember God is watching. It's His eyes that counts for eternity.
Galatians 6:9 So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you're back in writing your blogs! miss you