Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday Monday.... My day off. After a busy Sunday it is a welcome moment.

Church is about God. But it is also about people. All kinds of people. This Sunday was a particularly interesting Sunday. Many technical challenges. Worship service has become a complicated event of sight and sound. Media worship and High Tech praise is GREAT and exhausting. Fortunately, there are people who do a really good job of keeping these things going. Most people in church on Sunday will never know what goes into making Sunday morning a experience for them. One where they feel the presence of God and get renewed for the week.

Outside of the worship service exists an enormous amount of activities. Security, greeting at the doors, information areas, children's church, youth services, bookstores, coffee (yes, coffee seems to have become as important to some as the communion table.) handouts at the door and the list goes on. In our efforts to help people enjoy church we have created SO MUCH activity that at times it become the thing that stops us from enjoying church and worshipping. Here are just a few of the comments I heard this Sunday as I stood in the main entrance and attempted to be the hands and feet, legs and arms of Jesus. “Bill (names were changed to protect the innocent) don’t shake my hand. The usher didn’t smile. The children’s minister wasn’t as nice to my children as I think they could have been. I don’t like the bulletin. To many lights flashing, not enough lights flashing. Haze (some would call it smoke – that very cool theatrical look you have seem used on stage.) NOTE: People have left our church over having haze in the service. Funny, I remember people leaving church because we added a guitar. Church can’t be church; they said if we used a guitar. And then we added drums, OOHH the devils beat I heard some say. An organ or better yet the old pipe organ was the only thing that we could worship God with. You know what is even funnier than this, the same people who wanted to add the guitar and the drums are now the ones that are upset over adding the lights and the haze.

You see church is about God but it is also about people. Saved, redeemed, set apart by God, bride of Christ, Spirit filled believers. Now there are some of you who don’t understand what all this means. If your one of those email me and I will do my best to explain it. But my point to all this is church is about a God who loves people. Church is full of imperfect people trying to walk out life the best they can. And God loves them. They complain and God still loves them. They argue but God still loves them. They fight but God still loves them. They even curse, drink and smoke but God still loves them. They love guitars and hate haze but God still loves them. They wear suits, jeans, dresses, pants suits, spike their hair, get tattoos, pierce ears – eyes- nose- lips- and assorted other body parts but God still loves them. They get upset over the little things but God still loves them. They love coffee and God still loves them. They go to movies but God still loves them. You can’t stop God from loving you. I have tried and it didn’t work.

I thought as I stood in the main lobby of our church if Jesus heard people saying things very much like what I heard. I think He did. People haven’t changed much. But then again, Jesus hasn’t changed either. Hebrews 13:8 MSG For Jesus doesn't change--yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.

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