Sunday, October 21, 2007

Teach us to live well

Today is my birthday. I am not very good at remembering and doing something for other people on their birthday. It's not that I don't love or care about other people, I do. I like doing something of others on the off days, when they least expect it. Seems to me to be more special.

I love making a big deal out of my wife's birthday. I have put big signs in the front yard. I brought a 6 foot high inflatable birthday cake one year and put in the front yard. I filled the hallway in our house with balloons, that was fun. I have done a number of things. I never seem to run out of ideas on how to celebrate her birthday.

But I am not one for celebrating my birthday. I have always been that way, so age has nothing to do with it. My wife says I don't like being the not-in-control center of attention. That's true and it is probably the reason for my wanting to just say nothing about my birthday.

Psalms 90:10 ESV The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.
People quote this verse to say how long we will live. The Internet has a bunch of sites you can go to figure how long you will live. One site said I would die in the year 2029 (my age would be 75.) When you are 20 you don't think much about the end. You are just starting. In one of my favorite Star Trek movies, Generations, the Captain said, ". . there were fewer days ahead than there are behind" I guess I am different at that point. But some how that does not bother me. At the end of the "Rocky Balboa" a young girl who Rocky was helping came to him before the big fight and said, "Tonight you will show everyone that the last thing to age on someone is their heart."

Proverbs 4:23 NASB Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

In my life I have tried to watch over my heart. Keep it always thinking about what to do, what can be done, what is positive not negative, looking for the challenge ahead not the failure behind. I know our bodies get older but we can stay young in the heart and in the mind. New ideas, fresh starts, vision, goals, progress, passion for life and people and new experiences. Retirement is a curse to many because they stop living. God gave me one life on this earth to live and I will spend it well. More often than not a good movie is based on the ending more than anything else. So it is with life. I'm going out as BIG as I can.

Psalms 90:12 MSG Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well!

SO this is my prayer today - Lord teach me to live my life, how ever long or short it is - WELL and WISELY. Help me to make the most of every moment, spend each second like it was made of gold, love each day whether it is a Monday or Friday, enjoy the journey that life is and make my last moments on earth my best.


Anonymous said...

Great words of wisdom! Must come with age :) Happy Birthday & may you have a long, wonderful, adventurous journey!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent as always. In fact, I have not been able to get your closing example out of my head from that Weds night you taught. And having said that, Blessings on this special day. I thank God you were born with purpose and place. You are a great friend and brother. I pray long life and health for you.
I also agree, the best is yet to be.